Sunday, January 27, 2008

Greetings and Salutations

My name is Nathan Scovill.

This is my blog. Nice, isn't it? I think so.

I established this little place as a location to put things that I write up to the scrutiny of an unloving public. Of course, one must realize that these will all be rough drafts, with few exceptions. Some will be from longer stories I am still working on, some will be stand alone, and some will be nothing more than silly or serious essays.
Also, I may or may not post a few of the videos I have made in the past using MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker. Because I consider myself a master of film. (HA!)

Basically, anything I create that I feel like sharing will go on this blog, along with any interesting bits of my life.


1 comment:

Randi said...

I am so excited that you have joined us "bloggers." Hopefully as your most brotherly sister I can give you helpful advice on your wonderful works. See Ya!