Monday, April 13, 2009

An Experiment......

***Just an experiment for a story Idea I've been brewing. It's sort of a weird idea where It's one of those "save the world" sort of stories, but not told from the perspective of the guy who actually has to DO IT. It would sort of be like reading Harry Potter if we saw it from Ron's Perspective.***


It's one thing to have to save the world. It's another to know that the world needs saving, and know that you're not the one who's supposed to do it. Where one man feels the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders, the other has to watch it and hope the hero doesn't slip and let your world tumble away. It's the difference between feeling like you're not powerful enough, and not powerful at all.

What makes it worse was, in this case, our hero wasn't even human. He wasn't a shining knight in silver armor. Most people would think he was a monster. In some ways, they'd be right.

It was summer, 5 years ago. Things were good in the world, more or less. I had a good life, for what it was worth. I was an orphan, taken in by an old lady everybody called Nana. Nana loved all the kids she took in. She took good care of us, and we helped her out as best we could. But, eventually, I got older and it was time for me to leave. The village was just a few miles out from the local town, and I was going to find myself a trade. I was walking the dirt road, about a mile away from my destination, when I ran into him for the first time.

Lilitheans are a very tall people. Very scary looking if you've never seen one before. I'd seen one or two, but they were still frightening. Your average Lilithean was easily 9 feet tall, bound in armor plating, and had the kind of face that would make a even a dragon think twice. Strange thing was, Lilitheans couldn't speak. They all carried a peice of slate and a peice of chalk with them so they could write things to you. It was how they communicated with the outside world.

So, this giant, scary, mute beast comes crashing out of the trees, covered in blood and fighting what looks like another Lilithean. As you can probably guess, I immediately began to cower like a scared rabbit. If I were to fight a Lilithean at that point, it would be a very short, unfortunate fight for me.

The two Lilitheans were beating eachother with fists, clawing with open hands, grabbing kicking, biting, whatever they could do to hurt the other. Our hero managed to get a good grip on his opponent's head, and quickly put an end to matters.

He stood. And looked my way. He pulled out his sign, wrote very carefully, and turned it....

I am sorry for scaring you.

I was somewhat dumbfounded. "Was that...a Lilithean?"
Something about the body didn't look right...It was pasty and white, and it had no eyes. Just a big mouth and a big tongue that seemed to be sneering even in death.

He stared at me for what felt like a long time, then wrote again.

Ave Neco

"I don't know what that is...." I mumbled. He seemed to know that already. I decided it would be wise to make friends with such a fellow...all things considered.
"My name is Sam. What's yours?"
He stared at me again, and wrote carefully.


I didn't know it yet...but Lilith was going to save the world. He was going to save a world populated almost entirely by humans. He was going to save a world that would have, until now, never known about it.

And he was going to die doing it.

***DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!! That's right. I want to spoil it right at the start. And hopefully, still have people sad at the end....maybe. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINKS!!!***